Local resources available for Medicare enrollment
Published 6:39 pm Thursday, October 24, 2019
For senior citizens considering enrolling in Medicare Part D or Medicare Advantage plans, there are lots of questions and plenty of decisions to weigh when attempting to navigate the programs.
As of February, 13,202 people in Beaufort County were enrolled as Medicare beneficiaries and open enrollment for the Medicare is now open through Dec. 7. For local residents interested in enrolling, or who have questions about their benefits, there are resources countywide to aid in the process.
“It definitely can be a complex system, as well as a complex process,” said Mid-East Commission Aging Services Coordinator Brandie Gardner. “CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has actually changed their Medicare Plan Finder tool, which is the system that we use to compare and involve beneficiaries. … With the average person who may have used the former tool and is working to use the new tool that’s in place, that can add a whole new level of complexity.”
Add to that a wealth of information on the process, and Gardner says enrollment can quickly become overwhelming, sometimes leading to seniors enrolling in a plan that might not be the most beneficial.
That’s why Gardner, and other certified Senior’s Health Insurance Information Program counselors make it their mission to reach out to the community to help with the process.
“We at the Mid-East Commission are the local coordinating site for the SHIIP Program for Beaufort County,” Gardner said. “We have a really great partnership and collaboration with Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center, as well as the Beaufort County Department of Social Services, so there’s counseling options between the three agencies.”
While Gardner says the bulk of the counseling takes place at the Senior Center, there are also counseling opportunities in the Belhaven and Aurora areas on a continual basis through Dec. 7.
The following resources are available for residents in different part of Beaufort County during the open enrollment period. If older adults aren’t able to come to one of the locations for counseling, there are options available for counseling over the phone.
Grace Martin Harwell Senior Center, various days and times, 310 W. Main St., Washington. (Call 252-975-9368 for an appointment)
Beaufort County Department of Social Services, limited days and times, 632 W. Fifth St., Washington. (Call 252-940-6040 for an appointment)
New Growth Unlimited Ministries, 1020 Peedtown Road, Aurora. Dates are Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 19 and Dec. 3, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (walk-ins only — no appointment required)
Belhaven Memorial Museum, senior club meeting room, 211 E. Main St., Belhaven.
Mondays and Thursdays through Dec. 5, 1 to 4 p.m. The only exception is Nov. 28, Thanksgiving Day. The clinic will be held the day prior, Nov. 27. (walk-ins only — no appointment required)
Belhaven Public Library, Nov. 19, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 333 E. Main St., Belhaven. (Call 252-974-1854 for an appointment)
“We want to encourage everyone to review their options,” Gardner said. “There’s a lot of changes that will be coming up for the new plan year, so we want to advocate and make sure they are enrolled in the plan that suits them best.”
For more information, or questions, call Gardner at 252-974-1854.