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Handgun Permit Involves Process

Individuals who may one day want a concealed handgun permit should note seriously some recent amendments to state ...

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Seymour Johnson Joint Land Use Study to Affect Columbia

The North Carolina Department of Commerce’s Rural Economic Division will host the first Public Workshops for the Seymour ...

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Candidates Forum Held In Tyrrell County

REPORT:     Fewer than two dozen Columbia voters turned out Thursday evening, October 22, to hear the candidates for ...

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Tourism Helps Tyrrell County

  As a result of taxes generated by tourist spending in Tyrrell County in 2014, each of the ...

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Mosquito Spraying Done in Columbia Twice A Week

  The Town of Columbia sprayed mosquitoes-controlling chemicals in Goat Neck community twice last week, town manager Rhett ...

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Farrow Named New Pastor At Albemarle Church of Christ

 Raffael Farrow has been called to serve as minister at Albemarle Church of Christ, beginning Sunday, November 1st. ...

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Hoffman New Superintendent of Tyrrell County Schools

  Dr. Will Hoffman is the new superintendent of Tyrrell County Schools. He earned a doctoral degree in ...

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Rabid Fox Walked Through Columbia.

TYRRELL NEWS McCLEES RABIES 8/31/15    Town manager Rhett White barehandedly captured a rabid fox on North Road Street ...

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Second Rabies Incident in Tyrrell County

TYRRELL NEWS McCLEES RABIES 8/28/15   A second rabid fox has attacked a Tyrrell County resident, this time ...

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Visitor’s Center Numbers Highlight Tyrrell County’s Potential and Challenges

This begins an occasional series on economic development in Tyrrell County. Tyrrell County is unique. A large number ...

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