Saturday Night Jamboree

Published 12:15 pm Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Saturday night Jamboree held its annual Spring Prom recently at the Redmen’s Lodge in Washington. Keepers of the door Swindell Brady and Russell Jefferson kept a watchful eye outside.

Registrar Carolyn Jefferson signed in 175 clients while faithful volunteers Tillie Braddy pinned on corsages and boutonnieres with loving assistance from Joyce Carawan. Other caring volunteers included Elwood and Marlene Sprouse, Pat, Ginger and Kin Wood.

The lodge was transformed into a wonderful flower garden earlier in the day by Ellwood Sprouse, Michael Cutler, Tillie Braddy and Tine Woolard. The Jamboree would like to thank D & H Equipment for all the wonderful, beautiful flowers they sent. The prom would not have looked so festive without them.

Jamboree President Marlene Sprouse led the activities, while photographer Michael Cutler, with assistance from Kaitlyn Cutler, James Braddy and Tine Woolard, took photographs of each client in front of a beautiful display. The photos will be developed and passed out at the next Jamboree meeting.

DJ Redmen member Kenneth Beacham played music for dancing and listening pleasure. The jamboree would like to thank Kenneth for his generous services each month.

Following a blessing asked by Judy Hollis, members of Old Ford Church of Christ prepared and served refreshments. Those helping with serving included Sandy and Richard Gerard, Doris and Joe and Curtis Rogers, Judy and Raymond Williams, Joe and Peggy Ayers, Linda Haddock, Margie Gardner, Jenifer, Shawn, and Caroline Evans, Ray, Heather, Jacob, and Austin Williams, Shirley Hardison, Patsy Harrris, Butch Ferguson, Jasper and Lisa Hardison, Makayle and Gracie Hardison. Becky Rogers (sandwiches).

The next Jamboree will be June 13, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. All area mentally/-physically-challenged residents and all volunteers are invited to attend. For more Jamboree information, to volunteer or to make donations, please call Jamboree President Marlene Sprouse at 252-946-4350.

Respectfully submitted by Tine Woolard
