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Commit to being excellent to each other

Just before bed, after you’ve brushed your teeth, you take one last look in the mirror before turning ...


Dig deep to find your inner Cody Rhodes

If you are reading this before 6 p.m. on Saturday, February 1, then you’re in luck! It means ...


God’s love multiplies when shared

As a pastor, perhaps the most important thing I hope for everyone I meet to know is this: ...


Let the spirit of Christmas become the norm

For years I begged my wife to let me keep an Old English Christmas. That’s the term I ...


Forget the resolutions

I don’t remember the last time that I made a New Year’s resolution. It was probably in high ...


BCTMA to hold 11th Annual Don Skinner Guitarfest

The Beaufort County Traditional Music Association (BCTMA) anticipates much excitement and celebration for the family-oriented, 11th Annual Don ...


Christmastide: the celebration continues

Merry Christmas! It is a greeting which feels common, and yet holds so much meaning. In it we ...


Release then embrace

One of my favorite phrases when it ties into my message is “If you always do what you ...


BCS recognizes November Athletes of the Month

Editor’s Note: Beaufort County Schools Athletic Director Keith Mitchell started a new trend to recognize a male and ...


You don’t need to be religious to make a difference

December 14 is the anniversary of my ordination as a priest in the Episcopal Church. I can remember ...

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