Making a difference

Published 9:37 pm Tuesday, January 13, 2009

By Staff
North Carolina’s new governor, Beverly Perdue, made history Saturday by becoming the state’s first female governor.
That’s an accomplishment in its self. Perdue should take pride in making history. Now that the history has been made, it is time for Perdue to make a positive difference in the Old North State. From what has been observed and from what the new governor is saying, she plans to do just that. After taking the oath of office, the new governor made it clear she is prepared to lead North Carolina through tough economic times and at the same time improving education and how state government operates. That is a tall task, but the new governor spent 23 years climbing the political ladder in North Carolina to become governor on Saturday.
The new governor indicated Saturday she knows she has got a lot of hard work ahead of her.
North Carolina and its residents could use some differences, especially when it comes to the economy.
During her inauguration speech Perdue addressed the challenges she and others in the state face.
Perdue, although tied by her critics and others to previous Democratic administrations and Legislatures that have had their share of scandals, indicated she intends to make changes with what some people call the “good ol’ boy network.”
Perdue is right. It is past time for symbolic changes. It is time for significant changes. Whether Perdue can deliver those changes has yet to be determined. Providing those changes would benefit Perdue and the state.
During her campaign for the governor’s office, Perdue told North Carolina residents she would develop an efficient, more transparent state government ‘‘that works for them, not against them.’’ That alone would be a significant accomplishment by the new governor.
Perdue, a former school teacher, drew cheers during her inauguration speech when she promised not to lessen the state’s commitment to education despite an ailing economy and pledging to create a green economy and more high-tech jobs.
Perdue is not one to be told she cannot do something. There are stories making the rounds that Perdue was elected to the N.C. House of Representatives in 1986 — after the male political bosses in Craven County told her a woman could not get elected in a mostly rural district. Five years later, Perdue was in the Senate. Later, she became lieutenant governor. Now, she’s the governor.
Perdue has proven she is a tough fighter in the political arena. Now, she has four years to prove she can make the tough decisions that will be required to improve North Carolina. If she makes the right decisions and improves the state, there is a good chance she will be given another four years to improve the state even more.
North Carolinians can appreciate that history was made Saturday. They would like to be able to appreciate that the new governor is making positive differences in their lives.
Beverly Perdue has four years to provide those positive differences.