Belhaven town manager pins future on tourism and retirees

Published 5:20 am Sunday, February 22, 2009

By Staff
Staff Writer
BELHAVEN — Belhaven Town Manager Guinn Leverett wants his town to grow. And he thinks it all starts with Belhaven’s idyllic waterfront location at the crossroads of Pungo Creek and Pungo River.
Leverett, who has been the town’s chief administrative officer since mid-2008, envisions a waterfront tourist destination akin to that of the historic town of Edenton.
The town manager wants to help bring the dream to life.
Leverett has an extensive background in business administration and industrial management, having attended the Georgia Institute of Technology on a Navy scholarship and then Harvard Business School.
In addition to his duties as town manager, Leverett owns and operates Belhaven Cable TV.
Leverett believes Belhaven’s future lies in tourism. He wants the town to become a “haven” for retirees and boating enthusiasts.
The Daily News asked him some questions about his plans. Here are his answers:
1. What is Belhaven’s biggest asset? How do you, as town manager, promote this asset?
2. What is the town’s biggest problem, and how do you address it?
3. Describe the working relationship between the town and Beaufort County. Do the two entities ever disagree?
4. Describe the current state of the Belhaven Police Department.
5. Describe a regular day in the life of Guinn Leverett, Belhaven town manager.
6. How does the town plan to combat the current economic recession?
7. Of the town’s numerous projects, which do you think is the most important?
8. There seems to be a political division in Belhaven between supporters of Mayor Adam O’Neal and former Mayor Dr. Charles Boyette. How can you, as town manager, ease the political tension in town?
9. What is the easiest part of your job? The hardest?
10. How do you envision the future of Belhaven?
Cutline for corresponding photo: From his office in the Belhaven Municipal Building, Belhaven Town Manager Guinn Leverett discusses how his town is coping with the recession. (WDN Photo/Greg Katski)