Midgette one of county’s latest Eagle Scouts

Published 6:02 am Thursday, February 26, 2009

By Staff
Lifestyles &Features Editor
BELHAVEN — Scouting has been an important part of Trent Midgette’s life since first grade, and he’s capped his career by becoming one of Beaufort County’s latest Eagle Scouts.
Now a member of Troop 80, Midgette, 17, started out as a Tiger Cub a dozen or so years ago. Over time, he became a Cub Scout, Scout and Tenderfoot — among other titles — on his way to the ultimate Eagle Scout designation. He was honored recently during a ceremony at First Assembly of God Church in Belhaven.
To become an Eagle Scout, Midgette and other young men like him are required to be troop leaders and obtain at least 21 merit badges.
Another step toward achieving the Eagle Scout honor was planning and executing a community service project. Midgette chose to build bathroom facilities at the wildlife boating access in Belhaven.
Once Midgette decided on his project, he began work immediately.
Last year’s fundraiser — a fried-chicken plate sale — and contributions from local citizens brought in close to $4,500, Midgette said. That included a $1,000 donation from Radcliff Marine Inc.
The project received overwhelming support once word spread of Midgette’s intentions. Riddick &Windley Hardware provided the toilet, the cypress siding came from Mackey’s Ferry Sawmill and Clayton Logging &Trucking donated the shingles. Wiring was done by Keech’s Electrical Service and Daw Plumbing plumbed the facility, Midgette said.
Because of the success of the chicken fundraiser, Midgette plans to hold another in April with the hope of making it an annual event. Money raised will assist future Eagle Scout candidates with their community projects and help support the troop, he said. Midgette has also arranged to have 10 percent of the money he earned be available to the troop’s next Eagle Scout.
Along with the local businesses who pitched in, Midgette said he had help from his father, friends from high school, fellow troop members and Scout leader Seth Latham.
Midgette said he has gained a great deal from his Scouting experience, including leadership abilities and survival skills.
Did you know?
Trent Midgette is the son of Steve and Sonya Midgette of Belhaven.
When a Scout turns 18 — which Midgette will do on June 12 — he “ages out” of the program. However, many remain active as leaders. “I’ve been moved to junior assistant scoutmaster,” he said.
Midgette, a senior at Northside High School, plans to attend East Carolina University with the goal of becoming a high school math teacher.
Well known Eagle Scouts include former U.S. President Gerald Ford, astronauts James Lovell and Ellison Onizuka, director/producer Steven Spielberg, journalist Walter Cronkite and Pulitzer Prize- winning authors Wallace Stegner and Harrison Salisbury.