Imaginative musing predicts Washington’s future?

Published 11:26 am Friday, March 27, 2009

By Staff
The other day, a friend and I were sitting on his deck in Washington discussing our gripes about the recession. The dismal subject changed, and we began to talk about how to make Washington’s downtown district a popular attraction for visitors.
John was not swayed: “It wouldn’t have to use much makeup. We’ll also need more businesses. You know, like a drugstore with milkshakes, sodas and sandwiches. A small hotel would be good.”
John looked and sounded giddy.
Without a pause, he added: “And there could be a sign on the new Highway 17 Bypass that says ‘Washington, A Blast from the Past.’”
I recited a couple of lines from “Gypsy,” the Broadway musical: “You gotta have a gimmick if want to get ahead. Get yourself a gimmick and you too can be a star.”
John smiled: “That’s it exactly.”
George Threewitts has lived at Blounts Creek since 1993. Before retiring, he was assistant director for ECU News and Communication from 1972 to 2003.
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