Keeping an open mind
Published 3:01 pm Sunday, August 30, 2009
By Staff
In recent weeks, the debate over health-care reform has included much finger-pointing, playing the blame game and rhetoric. Although there have been some alternatives offered to President Barack Obamas vision for health-care reform, there appears to be more interest by many folks who seem more intent on attacking that vision than providing other reform options.
In other words, politics and not practicalities have taken center state.
Perhaps that is about to change.
Last week, North Carolinas junior senator, Democrat Kay Hagan, said she is willing to consider health-care co-ops as an alternative to a government-supported insurance option. During an interview Thursday, the freshman senator said she supports the current proposal to provide a government alternative to private insurance. She also said a health-care co-op could have benefits.
Richard Burr, the states senior senator and a Republican, has said hes willing to consider the co-op option. Burr has made it clear he is opposed to more government involvement in health care.
Both senators noted they have not seen any specifics on what co-op plans would offer and accomplish. Co-ops, in general, are nonprofit organizations for providing health insurance and are run by their members.
Amid all the rhetoric, blaming and finger-pointing associated with the debate over health-care reform, its heartening to see the states two senators at least be willing to consider alternatives. It proves they are open-minded and willing to listen to and explore options that could help bring about health-care reform.
When it comes to being mindful about the nations health, keeping an open mind is a good place to start.