Friedman, Ambrose win contest

Published 2:47 pm Thursday, January 7, 2010

By Staff
Staff Reports
Alma Friedman of Washington and Earl Ambrose of Roper are the big winners in the Washington Daily News Centennial Quiz.
Friedman correctly identified 27 answers out of 35 questions to win a three-night long weekend in Ocracoke. In addition, Ambrose provided the closest guess on the tiebreaker question, and the Daily News has decided to award him an Ocracoke trip as well.
Ambrose guessed that the Daily News carriers travel 2,375 miles nightly to deliver the paper, the highest guess of any entry. In fact, the 22 carriers travel a total of 2,744 miles in parts of six counties to provide Daily News subscribers with home delivery. Guesses from readers were as low as 50 miles.
“I am pleased to highlight our carriers and the superb efforts they all make nightly to deliver the newspaper,” said Publisher A.B. “Brownie” Futrell Jr. “They are so professional and certainly the unsung heroes of our operation.”
Friedman used several techniques to complete her winning quiz, including online research. But like so many entrants, she admits guessing to a number of answers. But there was one question she was disappointed in missing.
Former network newscaster Carl Rochelle delivered the Daily News by bicycle when he was a boy. Friedman, who guessed former Washington resident Charles Kuralt, knew Rochelle while they were growing up in Washington.
“We congratulate our winners and thank all those readers who submitted entries,” said Futrell. “We hope it was an entertaining exercise as we wind down our centennial celebration.”
The quiz with the correct answers is found in today’s edition on page 6B.