Bright Future!
Published 12:01 am Sunday, April 24, 2011

On his journey to Eagle Scout, Washington High School senior Matthew Williamitis of Troop 99 built a stage and seating area at the Kingdom Kids Academy in Washington. Williamitis, a member of Troop 99 for six years, served as senior patrol leader in 2008 and is currently an assistant scoutmaster. He also was elected to the Wiccacon Chapter and Croatan Lodge, Order of the Arrow, where he earned Wiccacon Chapter outstanding arrowman for the past three years. Williamitis is a confirmed member of First United Methodist Church of Washington and is an active member of the senior high youth group. He plans to pursue a degree in aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University. If you have a photo that you would like to share in the Daily News, please e-mail it along with a description to (Submitted Photo)