Local Realtors out for blood

Published 12:37 am Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Washington-Beaufort County Board of Realtors learned from Kristin Brown, representative of the American Red Cross, that Beaufort County is extremely low with the amount of blood on reserve with our county’s blood bank.

“Summer is a critical time because most will take vacations during this time of the year, and accidents are more numerous during the summer months, and blood supplies need to be at its highest,” Brown said.

Brown also indicated that Type O Negative Blood has dropped significantly. This is not to say that only O Negative is needed, all blood types are in need.

The Washington-Beaufort County Board of Realtors will have a blood drive Tuesday, June 28, from noon to 6 p.m. The Blood Bank Bus will be parked beside The Rich Company in the Wal-Mart parking lot.

Please make a difference in someone’s life, and give a pint of your blood. All donors will receive a free T-shirt.

To reserve a time, call Tomp Litchfield at 252-644-1203 and leave your name, phone number and time you would like to donate, or just stop in. No appointment is needed.