No confusion for some of us

Published 12:59 am Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A court rules prayer is not proper for a high-school graduation.

Sessions of the U.S. Congress are opened with prayer.

Eastern mysticism is taught in schools, but the role of Christianity in world history and American history is all but left out of textbooks.

The Pledge of Allegiance contains the words “one nation, under God.”

Nativity scenes are disappearing from public property.

Our money contains the words “In God We Trust.”

Confusion? Well, not for some of us.

There are those who will debate for hours on end that this nation was not founded on Christian principles. There are those of us who disagree. One of the building blocks in this nation’s foundation is freedom of religion.

Have any doubts? Check the U.S. Constitution.

For those who don’t believe in God, that’s their right. The Constitution allows that. An atheist’s right to assert there is no God deserves protection.

Conversely, the right of Christians and members of other religions to practice their beliefs should not be abridged because someone else doesn’t believe in them or finds them offensive. Christians, Jews and others should be able to practice those beliefs in public with fear of being persecuted or reviled for their beliefs.

Some lawmakers are trying to protect the right of people to pray in pubic places.

Missouri lawmakers have approved a proposed amendment to that state’s constitution that would expand the right to pray in public places. The proposed amendment, which will appear on ballots in 2012, states that people can pray in public places as long as they do not disturb the peace. It also allows students to express their religious beliefs and cannot be compelled to take part in assignments that violate those beliefs. The proposed amendment allows prayer in the Legislature and other public bodies.

Good, old Missouri, the Show Me State. Well, those Missouri lawmakers are showing the world something. Good for them.

Any other lawmakers paying attention?