Storm help available to farmers

Published 12:40 am Thursday, September 1, 2011

An informational meeting regarding post-hurricane assistance for farmers and other agricultural producers in Beaufort County is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday.

The meeting will take place at the Beaufort County Agriculture Center, 155-B Airport Road, Washington.

Producers who suffered damage to their agricultural lands as a result of Hurricane Irene and need financial assistance to clean up debris, repair gullies/washes and conservation structures or replace fences are invited to the meeting. The Beaufort-Hyde Farm Service Agency is able to provide cost-sharing assistance through the Emergency Conservation Program.

Those seeking assistance must attend the meeting because specific actions must be taken to become eligible for assistance.

Anyone unable to attend the meeting should call the FSA office (252-946-1076, extension 2) for information about the assistance being offered.

Fact sheets and other information relevant to the Emergency Conservation Program are available at the FSA office.