SOUND OFF / Sept. 14, 2011

Published 12:16 am Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

Nice wind-farm article. But no mention of taxpayer subsidies or cost of its power. Will it be five or 10 times more expensive? Will it generate power 24 hours a day? No mention of noise or bird kills.

Why does East Carolina continually schedule games with teams like South Carolina and Virginia Tech, knowing these teams are of a caliber high above that of ECU, and it makes their record look bad? Why can’t ECU also get some cupcakes to begin the season?

Events in life are relative. I, too, lost all the food in my refrigerator and freezer. What I did not lose is my life or my home. Thus, I feel blessed and will not seek money to replace my food, given the greater needs of those who are homeless because of hurricanes, flooding or fires.

I learned about someone being first and someone last in first grade school, too. I also learned the same person isn’t always first or last. I agree the cleanup crews are doing a really great job.

Check out the dealmakers in Beaufort County government. The commissioners are taking FEMA money for a deal with the DOT to pick up trees and limbs in Beaufort County. DOT is hiring private contractors to do the work. So, why aren’t Beaufort County residents on private roads getting their trees and limbs picked up, too? They are paying their taxes but are not getting any services. Maybe we should look into what Pamlico County does.

Call 252-946-2144 ext. 235 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time).