SOUND OFF / Nov. 15, 2011

Published 12:54 am Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.

The Golden Leaf Foundation was founded and funded to help offset the loss of tobacco production to the economy of eastern North Carolina. It occurs to me that the Turnage Theater could be a beneficiary of enough of those funds to enable it to continue and become a major economic driver in Beaufort County.

As far as the Turnage Theater losing money, I am very sorry for that. But, unfortunately, with the prices of its tickets, most of us can’t afford to go. I don’t think taxpayer money should go to it.

I can’t believe someone would question why Washington needs more restaurants.

The Golden Leaf Foundation can help the Turnage.

Why can’t the Daily News publish the ACC football schedule? There are a lot of us that would like to see it.

Did anyone suggest to the Golden LEAF representatives that the single most serious problem of attracting businesses and jobs to Beaufort County is the cost of utilities? Every dollar that is paid for utilities is a dollar that can’t be used for payroll

Now that the troops are coming home from Iraq, I hope that we will fight the war on drugs in every single town.

I have been one of your biggest supporters even though so many people have turned against you in the past year or so. But to have the paper late on Sunday because of a football score is ridiculous.

Please do not think for one minute about putting the responsibility of keeping the Turnage Theater upon the backs of the Beaufort County taxpayers. Our load is too heavy already.

Definition of tacky: Downtown Washington’s decorations. Get rid of those green lights and decorate with all white lights. Merchants, your windows are pretty. You did a good job. Merry Christmas.

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