Write Again … Sunday school singing
Published 12:05 am Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Those wonderful old hymns we sang so enthusiastically when we were young are now an indelible and still enriching part of my memories.
Back in those days Sunday school at my church was a vibrant enterprise. From the wee ones right through the oldest adults, attending Sunday school was simply a “given.”
The various age groups among the youth would gather collectively for 15-20 minutes for a devotional, pertinent announcements, and lots of hymn singing. Then we would disperse to our classrooms.
We — it seemed everyone joined in — truly enjoyed this singing time. Those hymns we sang are a real presence in my memory. And yes, the boys all liked to sing. I rather doubt such is the case today. In fact, there may be no singing during Sunday school these days. That’s sad, if so.
Among the many wonderful hymns we loved to sing were “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” “Are Ye Able…,” “Fairest Lord Jesus,” “For the Beauty of the Earth,” “God Will Take Care of You.”
And “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “In the Garden,” “O For a Thousand Tongues,” “Shall We Gather at the River?,” “Softly and Tenderly,” “Sweet By and By.”
Also, “Tell Me the Story of Jesus,” “This Is My Father’s World,” “True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted,” “Wonderful Words of Life.”
There were many others as well. I clearly recall how we boys loved to sing “Beulah Land.” On the chorus sometimes we would get a bit too enthusiastic. Youthful exuberance, I would call it.
Now, I can understand how some may not enjoy singing very much. (Actually, I can’t understand it, but I know I should respect others’ likes and dislikes.)
Regardless, I know how blessed and fortunate those of us who loved raising our voices in song truly were.
For that — and for the sweet memories I have of those days — I am very grateful.
Would that those who followed us in later years could have had such an experience.
APROPOS — “When we sing together we become brothers and sisters.”
— F. King