Filing period starts Monday
Published 1:11 am Sunday, February 12, 2012
Staff Reports
The signing-up period for political offices across North Carolina begins at noon Monday.
Filing will continue from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Feb. 28 and will close at noon on Feb. 29.
Local candidates may file at the Beaufort County Board of Elections’ offices.
The offices are located at 1308 Highland Drive, Washington.
Up for grabs this year are seats on the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners and Board of Education.
Also on the ballot are two District Court judge seats and the register of deeds job.
In addition, county voters will help select a state senator in District 1 and state representatives in House Districts 3 and 6.
The 1st and 3rd congressional seats are up this year. Beaufort County is divided between these two districts.
Also in play are the positions of North Carolina governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state auditor, treasurer, superintendent of public instruction, commissioners of agriculture, insurance, labor and secretary of state.
For more information on local candidates who have filed, follow the Daily News throughout the filing period.
For more information on filing, call the Board of Elections at 252-946-2321.