Realtors pick up awards

Published 9:08 pm Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tom Atkins, general manager and broker-in-charge of The Rich Company, recently presented the 2011 annual awards for The Rich Company’s downtown office.

Tom Atkins (left) presented Jane Adams (center) and Jay Martin with sales awards. (Submitted Photo)

Chuck Phillips earned the Top Gun Award.  This award is presented to the Realtor who led the downtown office in residential sales and listings.

“Chuck had a great year with more than 1.8 million dollars in listing and sales volume. Chuck worked hard to accomplish this feat. He is dedicated to serving his customers and his experience in real estate has paid off,” Atkins said.

Jay Martin was presented with the President’s Award for 2011. This award is presented to the Realtor with the highest percentage increase in sales and listing volume for the year in residential real estate for the downtown office.

“Jay has been with The Rich Company since 2006, and has consistently been a top producer and we are proud to have him on our team,” Atkins. said

The Rookie of the Year Award for the downtown office was presented to Jane Stancil Adams. This award is based on the highest sales volume in residential real estate for a new sales associate.

Atkins said, “Jane joined the downtown office of The Rich Company in 2011, and she has six years of real estate experience. She brings a lot of knowledge to the table, and we are very proud of her accomplishments.”