A needed addition

Published 7:31 pm Monday, March 12, 2012

Hopefully, the Washington City Council on Monday night decided to waive docking fees and charges so the schooner Jeanie B. can berth at Washington’s waterfront.

Having the 72-foot-long, gaff-rigged schooner using Washington as its homeport would be good for the city’ tourism industry. But the schooner’s presence in the city is more than just about tourism.

Jeanie B. is used for educational purposes. People would be able to tour the vessel at the docks and/or take short sailing voyages on the schooner.

The Jeanie B. would be a reminder when Washington was a bustling, thriving river port that served the entire Eastern Seaboard. There’s nothing wrong with serving up a little history as part of the city’s tourism effort.

The city and the schooner would derive financial benefits from a partnership between the two. There’s nothing wrong with that, considering the state of the local economy.

Having the Jeanie B. on the waterfront would add luster to that waterfront, the city’s prize jewel.