SOUND OFF March 13, 2012

Published 7:32 pm Monday, March 12, 2012

Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.


When is the City of Washington going to smarten up and get Tideland Electric Membership Corp. electricity instead of what we have got now? We’re getting ripped off, and all I hear about is how much cheaper Tideland is, and it’s already here in the county. This is not right.


Your editorial about the Martin Marietta Materials plan to build and operate a quarry in southern Beaufort County missed the mark. It’s not an issue about the Castle Hayne Aquifer; it’s an issue about the water quality in Blount’s Creek. I don’t think anybody’s going to argue about the Castle Hayne Aquifer. I think the argument comes from water from the Castle Hayne Aquifer going into a surface water area and the quantity that it’s going into and besides that, I have never seen fish growing in well water.


Recently in a doctor’s office, I saw a sign that stated “do not be using your cellphone while I’m trying to wait on you.” This should be in checkout lines as well.


Just when I think the Washington Daily Excuse can’t get any worse, morning comes and here comes another couple of pages of sports. It really needs to be called the Washington Daily Sports and not the Washington Daily News. Everybody is not into sports, but everybody is into news. Please try to do better. It’s getting smaller and worse every day. It’s dying a slow death. Thank you.


To the person who called and gave the name of the tiny bird, tine siskin, that was so nice of you.


If it weren’t for the ads for the grocery store on Sundays and Wednesdays, you can keep your paper because that’s all I buy it for.


I take the WDN because I find it the best way to keep up with the local news. I’m a bit disturbed that the editorial-page cartoons usually make fun of the Republican presidential candidates and not the president. I’d like to see a local paper that is balanced in its political articles.


Call 252-946-2144 ext. 235 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time). (All submissions are subject to editing).