SOUND OFF: 3/17/12
Published 7:15 pm Friday, March 16, 2012
Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.
The Economic Development Commission has spent $6.5 million on two industrial parks and $3 million in salaries and expenses, but it has been able to create less than 40 jobs at the industrial parks in the past six years of effort. This is $250,000 spent per job created.
The idiots who oppose voter ID cards don’t care about this country or fair play. With the technology of today, an individual’s fingerprint or thumbprint should make only legal voting possible. Also, this would create jobs for those issuing fingerprint IDs.
The answer to why the Washington JV softball is discriminated against: hmm … it’s very simple. When you allow a parent to coach as a volunteer, which is against the N.C. High School Athletic Association policy if a staff member is available, you always have these problem, especially when said coach is coaching her daughter. Then you have school board that would change the policy just for a few. This policy of a staff member coaching is in place for a reason because if you don’t have this policy, you wind up with a question: why are the Washington JV softball team and players being discriminated against? Enough said.
Call 252-946-2144 ext. 235 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time). (All submissions are subject to editing).