Continued commitment
Published 6:12 pm Thursday, March 22, 2012
Help continue the fight against cancer by participating in or financially supporting the Beaufort County Relay for Life set to kick off at 6 p.m. April 27 at Washington High School.
Beaufort County has a proven track record when it comes to supporting this event. Even in these tough economic times, that support should continue at the same level this year as in previous years, if not more.
It’s a safe bet that most people in Beaufort County knew someone who died from cancer or know someone who is fighting cancer or fought cancer and won that battle. Thanks to the funds that Relay for Life events around the nation bring in, there are more and more cancer survivors.
So as Relay for Life fundraisers — yard sales, bake sales, dove hunts and the like — occur in the weeks before the upcoming Relay for Life event at the high school, consider participating in them.
Relay for Life does much more than just raise money. It nurtures those hopes of millions of people that cancer will be defeated. It brings a community together — those who are fighting cancer and those helping cancer victims fight their daily battles.
Last year, Beaufort County’s Relay for Life raised a little more than $131,000. By raising that total to at least $150,000 this year, the county would be underscoring its commitment to continue its role in the fight against cancer.
It’s a commitment all of us should renew and support.