BCCC offers pre-employment training
Published 8:24 pm Saturday, March 31, 2012
BCCC’s Division of Continuing Education is offering a two-part class to assist people who desire to become more employable.
The first part of the class will cover basic computer skills to increase confidence and ability with technology. The second part of the class will make use of these new skills to help participants earn a Career Readiness Certification. A CRC is a nationally recognized credential that highlights several essential skills sought by employers. Instructor guided preparation and on-line study will assist students in gaining this valuable certification. Local industries, like PCS Phosphate Aurora and PAS now attach CRC training to their hiring process.
This class will be offered from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning Tuesday and ending May 29. Students will meet at the Hyde Davis Enterprise Center, 33460 U.S. Highway 264, Engelhard.
This class is offered free to dislocated workers, workers who have been notified of impending layoffs and any others who qualify. For those not qualified, the fee is $150 ($120 registration fee, $30 testing fee). Registration will be accepted at the first class meeting. To reserve a space in this class, contact Clay Carter at 252-940-6357 or clayc@beaufortccc.edu.