Treat flag with respect

Published 5:52 pm Thursday, June 14, 2012

Over the past 235 years, the “Stars and Stripes” has come to represent freedom and democracy around the world. Countless numbers of our citizens made the ultimate sacrifice defending it. It even stands proudly on the surface of the moon.

On June 14, 1777, Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as our national flag. The late 1800s saw several communities recognize June 14 as “Flag Birthday.”

On May 30, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed an executive proclamation establishing Flag Day. Twenty-three years later, President Harry Truman would sign an act of Congress that designated June 14 as National Flag Day.

The flag is a symbol of the tradition and culture of the United States and should be treated properly with the utmost respect.

  • The flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset. If flown at night, it should be illuminated by a spotlight. It should not be flown in inclement weather.
  • The blue field of stars (known as the union) should always be at the top.
  • Always fly the American flag at the top of the pole above state and other flags.
  • Following a significant death or tragedy, the flag is flown at half staff (on land) or half mast (on ships) for 30 days.
  • The flag should never touch the ground.
  • Old flags that are tattered and torn should be retired through an official ceremony where it is burned or buried. Contact your local Boy Scout troop if you have a flag that needs to be retired. Do not throw it into the trash.

Pay tribute to our star-spangled banner each June 14 so that it continues to wave “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”