Published 10:03 pm Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Sound Off highlights anonymous, brief takes on the news offered via telephone by Daily News readers.
This message is for Buffy’s family. I remember your tribute, Rainbow Bridge, to your beloved Buffy last year. And now this year, you have remembered Buffy with paw prints left by you. My heart aches for you and my own beloved blond cocker spaniel who left me in 2010. Thank you for caring. I hope time will ease the loneliness for you.
In reference to WDN Sunday editorial: is it first in, first out or is it last in, last out for California teachers? It is the latter. It’s strange that the WDN would find fault with that situation without mentioning where it surely came from. Could it possibly have been a union demand or in the contract negotiations? I would be willing to bet my lunch money on that.
I am sure that one of the delays for getting some type of bench for under the picnic pavilion has been concern over the vandalism. What type of bench to put under there that can withstand people, young teens, that go along the waterfront during Friday night events and festivals and demolish everything in their path. A wooden bench will not withstand vandalism. Second, it’s not as attractive as the pavilion itself. Those who want it immediately: you go buy one and put it under there and then you can help look after it.
Call 252-946-2144 ext. 235 to comment, (30 seconds maximum time). (All submissions are subject to editing).