Rocking-chair duo back on TV
Published 8:30 pm Monday, September 17, 2012
SMITHFIELD (AP) — The rocking chair duo is back on the North Carolina political airwaves.
Two memorable men who starred in ads critical of Sen. Elizabeth Dole in 2008 and supporting Sen. Richard Burr in 2010 are in another television commercial, this time paid for by the campaign of Republican 7th Congressional District candidate David Rouzer.
The ad began late last week in the Wilmington market and shows the men sitting next to iced tea glasses and expressing disappointment in 7th District incumbent Mike McIntyre for accusations against Rouzer. They also suggested McIntyre is aligned too closely with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The anti-Dole ad in 2008 was credited for helping Democrat Kay Hagan beat Dole.
The Rouzer spokeswoman said the men reached out to the campaign to participate in an ad.