Blue crab, shellfish funding available

Published 9:23 pm Monday, October 8, 2012

North Carolina Sea Grant invites proposals for the 2013 N.C. Blue Crab and Shellfish Research Program. The program seeks to partner members of the fishing community with academic researchers. Together, they should collaborate on proposal submission, research design and study execution.

Applicants are required to either attend a workshop or hold a pre-submission conference with a Sea Grant representative by phone, email or in person. Two-hour workshops will provide information on topics, eligibility and the application process. They will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on the following schedule:

Oct. 15, 2012, Manteo, North Carolina Sea Grant Office, 217 Budleigh St.; Oct. 16, 2012, Morehead City, Center for Marine Science and Technology, 303 College Circle, Room 205; Oct. 17, 2012, Wilmington, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Office, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension.

These sessions also will provide information on the North Carolina Fishery Resource Grant Program, which is accepting proposals for 2013, as well.
For more information on the workshops, contact Marc Turano at 919-513-0122.

Instructions and forms are available at