Forum offers great opportunity

Published 9:42 pm Monday, October 15, 2012

With the Nov. 6 general election three weeks away, Beaufort County voters — and candidates seeking votes in Beaufort County — should avail themselves of the opportunity to be a part of the candidates forum tonight in the auditorium of Building 8 on the Beaufort County Community College campus.
The forum, which begins at 6:30 p.m., features candidates in races for seats in the N.C. General Assembly, on the Beaufort County Board of Commissioners and the Beaufort County Board of Education.
For voters to make well-informed decisions concerning which candidates get their votes, they should educate themselves about those candidates. A candidates forum provides an opportunity to do so. Questions will be asked during the forum, but if a voter has other questions for candidates, those questions may be presented to candidates after the forum. Most candidates don’t mind staying around after the forum to meet and talk with voters.
With the information gleaned at tonight’s forum, voters may reach decisions on which candidates get their votes. With undecided voters in the audience, candidates have opportunities to persuade such voters to support their campaigns.
With veteran forum moderator Kellie Harris Hopkins, elections director for Beaufort County, overseeing the forum, candidates and voters may expect the forum to run smoothly and remain on schedule. Hopkins is a proponent of candidates forums, saying they provide a valuable service to voters.
Voting is an important civic duty, but so is educating one’s self about the candidates and the issues those candidates will address. Attending tonight’s forum will help qualified Beaufort County residents exercise their right to vote by making them informed voters.
See you tonight at the candidates forum — and at the polls on Election Day.