Angels N Camo
Published 9:20 pm Monday, November 5, 2012

Angels N Camo is a Beaufort County-based nonprofit organization that grants hunting and fishing adventure trip wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses. On Oct. 20, Daryl Williams and Brandon Mabrey of Roanoke Chowan Concealed Carry and Handgun Training held a concealed carry-class fundraiser for Angels N Camo. Angels N Camo was presented with a check to help support an upcoming bear hunting trip for a local child with leukemia. Lisa Adams presents a certificate of appreciation to Williams for his donation, time and continuous support. To learn more about Angels N Camo, visit its Facebook page, or its main website, If you have a photo that you would like to share in the Daily News, please email it along with a description to (Submitted Photo/Lisa Adams)