Joint service to give thanks
Published 9:07 pm Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Community Thanksgiving service will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday at First United Methodist Church in Washington.
Several area church leaders organize the annual service. Area pastors and lay leaders involved in the service include Danny Allen, Joan Fischer, Sam Grist, Chris Leek, William Lee Kinney, Jay Martin, Jimmy Moore and Ed Moultrie Jr.
“It’s an opportunity for the community to come together and demonstrate our unity in gratitude for all that God does,” said First Presbyterian Church’s pastor William Lee Kinney. “It also gives us an opportunity to do some good to Eagle’s Wings and Ruth’s House.
Those who attend the service are asked to bring two canned goods for Eagle’s Wings, an area food pantry based in Washington.
A special collection will be taken for Ruth’s House, a shelter for battered women.
His House Band of First United Methodist Church and the St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Praise Band will provide praise music.
Rev. Moultrie is scheduled to deliver an inspirational message.
Kinney said the service would be unique because it will be the first time communion will be open to anyone who attends.
“This is the first time we will share the Lord’s Supper with each other. That’s very meaningful. It’s a sign of our unity,” Kinney said. “Even though we have differences, it’s a sign of us coming together. We all have one God.”
Kinney said the dress code for the service will be casual, and he asked that people come as they are
First United Methodist Church is at 304 W. Second St.
For more information about the service, contact Danny Allen, First United Methodist Church, 946-3311.