Club News
Published 10:33 pm Saturday, November 17, 2012
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
On Oct. 1 at 7 p.m., U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 20-06, 5th Southern Region, Washington, met at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Washington. Flotilla Commander Ben Reed welcomed prospective new members Matthew Bailey, Kevin and Ellen Jennings, as well as U.S. Coast Guard Station Hobucken’s Boatswain’s Mate Second Class Justin DePree.
The following awards were presented: Sustained Service Awards — Rhonda Stallings 6th (4500 hrs), James Stallings 3rd (4500 hrs), Don Lindberg 9th (6750 hrs). Don Lindberg also received a Coast Guard Meritorious Team Commendation Award for his H Department work and the 2011 5th SR Division Publication Award for his 20-20 Vision.
Ray Ward reported there have been 255 vessel safety checks to date.
Sue Lindberg has arranged with The Meeting Place for our Change of Watch to be held on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m.
Persons interested in joining America’s volunteer lifesavers, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, call Ben Reed at 252-975-8110 or Don Lindberg at 252-923-4545 or visit the website
Red and Pink Hat Honeys
The Red and Pink Hat Honeys met at Pizza Inn in Washington on Oct. 13, with 10 members and one guest in attendance. Laura Adams, Dottie Bunch, Marj Buys, Bernice Cannon, Joyce Carawan, Joyce Hodges, Doris Karnowski, Pat Respess, Martha Seighman, Shirley Woolard and guest Polly Jones answered Roll Call by telling their “favorite Halloween costume ever.”
Chaplain Hodges read “’Twas the Night Before Jesus Came” and the blessing was sung. The group enjoyed lunch and resumed the meeting.
Respess won the 50/50 drawing and door prizes went to everyone attending. In the absence of PIC Joyce Tucker, the group played games of Bingo until everyone won at least one game.
Shirley Woolard will be the hostess for the December Christmas party and Laura Adams will hostess the February party.
The group formed a circle and sang “God Bless America” to close the meeting.
Bodacious Babes Chapter,
Red Hat Society
The Bodacious Babes Chapter of the Red Hat Society held its October meeting at the old Pantego High School. Queen Polly Jones welcomed members Ann Crumpler, Jean Boykin, Diana Cates, Stella Thurston, Sophie Mitchell, Rebecca Ward, Joyce Carawan, Shirley Woolard, Louise Briley, Nancy Florschutz, Betty Ross, Dorraine Smith, Colleen Lupton, Marie Toler and Martha Seighman. Guests attending included Mary Cox, Pat Respess, Margaret Eborn, Phrocene Allen and Martha Baynor.
Chaplain Ward read “A Patchwork of Memories” in reference to the quilts on display, and hostess Smith offered a blessing prior to lunch, made and served by Allen, Eborn and Smith.
Seighman led in singing to birthday girls Lupton and Woolard, and Cates won the 50/50 drawing. Toler, Ward, Ross and Woolard won door prizes, while everyone received candy for meeting the monthly challenge, which was just to be there.
Smith showed her “puppet” Ruby Red – mascot of her former chapter, the Ravishing Rubies. She invited the group to the celebration of “Fall Days and Farm Ways” to be held at Pantego High School on Oct. 13, which will include the displayed quilts.
Smith read “The More You Have…” . She then listed the 12 most powerful words in the English language, which include: The most bitter – hate; the most tragic – unforgiven; treasured – love; encouraging- friend; cruel – revenge; enduring – faith; painful – alone; comforting – hope; difficult – discipline; musical – grace; admired – humility; awesome – God.
Jones announced the PIC for November will be Eleanor Trigg, and the group adjourned to enjoy the quilts and memorabilia on display.
Down East Seniors
The Down East Seniors met at the Hampton Inn on Wednesday, Nov. 7. President Jack Pyburn opened the meeting at 10 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Ed Sample led the singing of “America,” and Durwood Cratch delivered the invocation. Frank Stallings introduced his guest, Leonard Huber. Because of hotel renovations, the club will meet, until January, at the Golden Corral Steak House on Carolina Avenue.
Dave Bowers introduced his speaker, Emily Albera, who spoke, partly from personal experience, on the effect that Alzheimer’s can have on a family. She was assisted by Deb Ryals, and they both answered many questions.
John Tunstall conducted the 50/50 drawing, the winner of which was Durwood Cratch.
A – Z Doll Club
The A – Z Doll Club met at the Golden Corral on Oct. 22 for lunch. Vice President Betty Ross presided and gave a special welcome to Judy Murphy, Joyce Carawan’s sister from Virginia. Carawan gave the blessing. Shirley Woolard, secretary-treasurer, read the minutes of the Sept. 24 meeting and gave the club’s financial report.
Martha Seighman and Woolard placed a party favor at each luncheon setting. Ross had the drawing of door prizes donated by Woolard, Seighman and Carawan. Plans for the Christmas party and Christmas parade were discussed. Members participating in the Show & Tell were Rebecca Ward, Seighman, Woolard and Ross.
The meeting was adjourned to meet again Nov. 26, at 11:30 a.m., at the Golden Corral. Guests are always welcome. No reservation necessary for the Dutch luncheon.