Club news
Published 10:34 pm Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Saturday Night Jamboree
The Saturday Night Jamboree Christmas party was held Dec. 1 at the Redmen’s Lodge in Washington. Registrar Carolyn Jefferson and Tillie Braddy signed in 136 clients with assistance from volunteers Joyce Carawan, Michael Cutler, Marlene and Elwood Sprouse.
DJ Kenny Beacham played music for dancing and listening pleasure, while Russell Jefferson, Swindell Braddy and Dalton Elks kept a close watch at the door.
Following a prayer offered by Nina Buckman, members and friends of the First Christian Church served refreshments. Those helping for the evening included Wofford and Leslie Thomas, Pat and Pete Jones, Clyde and Miriam Roberson, Cliff and Betsy Toler, Judy and Ray Kennedy, Mike Alligood, Hal and Dee Mathiesen. They were assisted in serving by Jamboree volunteers Kin and Pat Wood, Tine Woolard, Laurie Hardison, Elwood and Marlene Sprouse, Michael Cutler and Joyce Carawan.
Marlene Sprouse led the activities and the singing for the birthday greetings and Christmas carols were led by Martha “Bubbles Claus” Seighman. The group sang ”Here comes Santa Claus” to welcome a special visitor who gave the clients their Christmas gifts for being good all year.
The Saturday Night Jamboree would like to thank all of the volunteers for their assistance and to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
The next Jamboree will be held Jan. 13. All mentally/physically-challenged residents and all volunteers are encouraged to attend and help welcome in the New Year.
The Saturday Night Jamboree is a non-profit organization and all donations should be made out to: The Saturday Night Jamboree and mailed to 410 Northwood Road, Washington, NC 27889 or Contact Marlene Sprouse at 946-4350.
Down East Seniors
The Down East Seniors met at the Golden Corral on Wednesday, Nov. 28. President Jack Pyburn opened the meeting at 10 a.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Ed Sample led the singing of “America,” and Cam Padgett delivered the invocation. Rudy Burns was welcomed as a new member. and prospective new members B.J. Reckman and Stewart Rumley were introduced.
This year the annual Christmas Dinner will be held at the Bank Bistro and Bar, 216 W. Main St. The date has also been changed to Monday, Dec. 10. The social hour will still begin at 6 pm.
Cam Padgett gave an interesting and informative talk on his experiences in the U.S. Army with military weapons of great destructive power. Among other things, he explained how the ending of World War II in Japan was justifiable in the face of our government’s projected estimates of casualties that could easily be expected from a conventional seaborne invasion of the Japanese homeland.
John Tunstall conducted the 50/50 drawing, the winner of which was our recent new member, Leonard Huber.