Sound Off, Dec. 23
Published 4:56 pm Monday, December 24, 2012
I’ve been a reader of the Washington Daily News for many years, but recently vital and interesting aspects have vanished. I’m a great sports fan, and Saturday, Dec.22, there was no listing of sports events for that day. I am seriously considering the Greenville paper and the News & Observer. They cost more, but I am willing to pay more in order to get more. Please take a careful look and what you are doing and see if you can’t improve some way the information you put in the paper.
It’s interesting you have a four-column-wide ad trying to improve circulation for the WDN. Yet, you seem to be trying to chase away subscribers with your small print and random-format layout. By the way, the crossword in Saturday’s paper was the same as the one in Friday’s paper — but one more sign of a high-quality publication.
It seems to me that you fall short daily in one or more of your mission statements, namely to edit and publish with integrity. With that said, the crossword puzzle in Saturday’s paper is the same that was in Friday’s paper. It even has the same date. By the way, the puzzle is still too small. Give us a break and publish the correct puzzle for Saturday in Sunday’s paper.
Could you please consider moving the obituaries back to the left side of the page — that they have always been on? It seems people don’t like change. If you could do that, I would appreciate it.
For those who missed seeing the mailing address for donating to the Zion Shelter and Kitchen, it is P.O. Box 2324, Washington, NC 27889.