Resolved to change: Beaufort County residents make plans for a better 2013
Published 10:52 pm Monday, December 31, 2012

HAPPY DAYS: From left, Coley Hodges, Sandra Edwards and Kay Buckman plan to enjoy life with friends in the New Year. WDN Photo|MONA MOORE
Julia Stephenson’s list of New Year’s resolutions includes everything from finding a better apartment to putting her new East Carolina University degree to use.
She wants to make more money and save more, too.
Kathy Wynne has only one resolution for the New Year.
“To be a better Christian,” she said.
Sandra Edwards said she will be focusing on money this year. Her friend, Coley Hodges, plans to spend more time with friends.
Kay Buckman liked Hodges’ resolution.
“Enjoy life more because we don’t know what life is gonna be. We are at the age where every day is a surprise.”
Buckman said her other resolution was a familiar one.
“To start my diet once again,” she said. “I could do everything in the world but lose weight. Everything.”
This year, she is motivated. She has a wedding to go to and a new grandchild on the way.
Fitness Unlimited owner Austin Thomas has seen plenty of resolutions fall by the wayside. But he has also seen people stick to their resolutions and has learned the key to being on the right side of the equation.
According to Thomas, Buckman already has half of the equation.
“I’ve always said motivation is what gets you started, determination is what keeps you going,” he said.
Thomas recommended using S.M.A.R.T.S., an acronym he said applies to any resolution or goal.
“Are they setting goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Sensitive?” he said.
The first red flag he notices is when new members sign up, but say they will start the resolution January 2.
“They’re not truly serious,” Thomas said.
Thomas said those who are serious about their resolutions are willing to invest in them. His resolution this year is to expand his business. He plans to open a location in Pitt County.
“Open their checkbook and see
where they are spending their money and you will see what they are
serious about,” he said. “Are they serious about it is really what it comes down to.”