Chancellor visits local NCSU alumni function
Published 11:37 pm Saturday, January 19, 2013

BEAUFORT COUNTY WOLFPACK: The Beaufort County NCSU alumni gathered at the home of Lalla Sidbury (left) for the second annual oyster roast. In attendance were NCSU Chancellor Randy Woodson (center) and local alumna Paige Harris (right), who helped organize the event.
North Carolina State University Chancellor Randy Woodson can’t get enough of Beaufort County.
He attended the local alumni chapter’s first annual oyster roast last year and returned Friday for the second one.
The chancellor attended the first event because of a challenge the university gave to its alumni chapter.
“For the membership drive, the challenge was for all of the chapters to increase by 10 percent and Beaufort County increased membership by 79 percent,” said Paige Harris, an event organizer.
The Beaufort County chapter now has about 450 members.
Randy Ham, alumni association executive director said Beaufort County had an exceptional chapter.
“If all of our chapters had done as well as Beaufort County, we’d be the best and the biggest association there was,” he said.
Benny Suggs, executive director of the alumni association also praised the group.
“I love them. There’s a lot of Wolfpack pride and passion here,” Suggs said. “They’re good people here.”
The event was held at the home and business of alumna Lalla Sidbury. Woodson joked with the pack when he was called up to the stage.
“I don’t think this is a work barn. This is party barn,” he laughed as the Wolfpack laughed and howled. “We really love coming down here.”
Woodson gave the alumni an update on school admissions, which are up, and the new James B. Hunt Jr. Library, which recently opened and is getting international attention. He invited the alumni to visit the campus to see it for themselves.
Woodson also had an update about football.
“We just signed a quarterback yesterday from the University of Florida,” he said.
When Woodson opened the floor for questions, Wolfpackers had only one: will he attend again next year?
“If you have me, I’ll be back every year,” Woodson said. “If you’re gonna have beer and oysters, we’re here.”
He did not make the trip alone. Vice Chancellor Nevin Kessler and NCSU baseball coach Elliot Avent were also in attendence.
“I got out of practice and just flew down here,” Avent said.
He gave the pack an update on the team as well as alumni of the team.
“There’s just so many good things happening to people that have come out of NC State,” he said.
Avent said two of his players would appear on the cover of “Baseball America,” a rare honor for college athletes.
“That’s the good news. The bad news is, also on the cover is two North Carolina (Tar Heels) players,” he said.