A human resource: Pippin uses business to shape young leaders
Published 6:46 pm Tuesday, January 22, 2013

BUSINESS BUILDER: Pam Pippin of P Inc. plans to share her leadership philosophies with Youth Max and the upcoming Navigate conference. MONA MOORE | Daily News
When Pam Pippin spoke at a local middle school, she gave students an opportunity to write down all of the labels and adjectives they hear and believe about themselves.
“Some of the things people told me were astounding,” she said. “When you look at them, across the board, these kids really have it together. Inside, they’re in pain.”
Pippin started a nonprofit youth leadership program to counteract what she calls the noise students here from media and peers.
“It’s vital to get into school systems because they are going to turn into what they hear the loudest,” Pippin said.
Pippin will conduct a business-leadership conference
next month at the Washington Civic Center. The event will be the first stop on best-selling author Kary Oberbrunner’s promotional tour for his latest book, “The Deeper Path.”
Pippin said Oberbrunner has similar values and is a Christian-based leader and mentor to her.
“He has personal philosophies that literally match mine. So, it makes sense to me,” Pippin said.
Like Oberbrunner, Pippin has a faith-based, nonprofit part of her business. Proceeds from the conference will fund Pippin’s nonprofit youth leadership program.
The conference will have breakout sessions in subjects like unleashing one’s potential and bouncing back from failures like terminations or failed business ventures.
If Pippin has it her way, Washington will be a regular stop on the speaking tours of motivational speakers.
“I want to have one or two signature events a year. That’s my business model,” said Pippin, the name behind P Inc.
She started her business about two years ago. Having children pushed Pippin into going into business for herself. She wanted to spend more time with her daughter, now 8 years old, and 13-year-old son.
“And I’ve been busy ever since,” she said.
Pippin was one of the founding members of the John Maxwell team. Maxwell is a best-selling author, pastor, motivational speaker and coach who ties Christianity and business into a message of leadership.
“Through that, I’m able to do coaching, training, personal and professional development,” Pippin said.
Long before coming onboard with John Maxwell, Pippin had developed a reputation in Beaufort County as a human-resources professional. She started at Mega Force Staffing Services, and she also worked at Hackney and Coeur Inc.
Through the John Maxwell team, Pippin formed a sub team of 33 North Carolina John Maxwell teammates. They call themselves the Significant Impact Group. They are sponsoring next month’s conference with Pippin’s P Inc.
Members of Significant Impact will speak at local schools the week of the conference.
Pippin covers the same topics during her youth leadership program as she does when she speaks to adults.
The program focuses on bullying, bouncing back from failure, building strong self-images and developing strong personal character.
“It’s about knowing who you were created to be,” Pippin said. “I think sometimes … we become disconnected … and we only use a small part of our potential.”