Clinic tackles brackish water fish
Published 8:43 pm Monday, February 4, 2013

THE BRACKISH WAY: The Pamlico-Tar River Foundation will host a beginners’ clinic for fishing in brackish water on Feb. 16. Shown here is Soldier Ham, from Snow Hill, holding a 24-inch trout he caught in Blounts Creek.
Dropping a line in the Tar and Pamlico rivers is easy, but catching fish is another thing altogether.
The Pamlico-Tar River Foundation sponsors its third annual fishing clinic on Feb. 16 for those fishermen, –women and –children looking to unlock the mysteries of fishing in brackish water. The course will feature informal sessions where participants can learn the basics of fishing the region: the different types of fishing rods, reels and lines; how to choose the best baits and lures; where to fish and what tackle to use, according to Kelly Jochim, development and outreach coordinator for PTRF.
Teaching the clinic are two fishermen who have been here and done it: Peter Boettger, author of “Fishing on the Western Pamlico,” and Mack Simpson, a Bath resident and avid fishermen.
Jochim said the clinics are one of the ways PTRF is reaching out to make the river more accessible and fun for the public.
“We want to give everyone every opportunity, idea, reason to find new ways to recreate on the river,” Jochim said.
Jochim said the clinic has been
popular in the past, with the first one selling out with a waiting list. Even though last year’s clinic was more niche-oriented — kayak fishing — it still drew a crowd of 45 people. The beginners’ fishing clinic has 30 people signed up so far.
Jochim said the clinic will arm even experienced saltwater and freshwater fishermen with the keys to fishing brackish water, adding that “brackish water is a whole new ballgame.”
“I’d like to say that I can guarantee that people will be able to catch one fish when they’re done with their clinic,” Jochim laughed.
The beginners’ fishing clinic will be held at N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resource–Division of Marine Fisheries at Washington Square Mall. It’s free for PTRF members and $30 for non-members, which includes a year membership. The cost for students is $15 with student I.D. Reservations can be made by calling PTRF at 252-946-7211 by Feb. 15. Walk-in attendees will be admitted on a space available basis for $40.