CLUB NEWS: Pantego Ruritan Club
Published 9:38 pm Monday, May 13, 2013
Vice President George Webster called the meeting to order. Mickey Benson returned thanks and provided a delicious meal for all members present.
The minutes of the March meeting were approved as amended. Clark Peele gave the treasurer’s report. A report on the March 16 bingo was presented. Due to the community’s support, it was very successful. The next spaghetti supper/bingo night will be June 15.
Items included in new business are listed as follows:
- A meal list was established for the remainder of the year.
- A report from the district newsletter was read concerning the Spring Rally (April 26-28) for the Association of North Carolina Ruritans to be held at the Old Ford Ruritan Club.
- Scholarship applications will be accepted until the May meeting.
- An auction will be held October 5.
With no further business, Vice President Webster led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the meeting was adjourned.