Old Glory’s Story
Published 8:19 pm Friday, October 25, 2013

OLD GLORY’S STORY: While meeting recently at the home of Jo Ann Walker in Chocowinity, the Major Reading Blount Chapter of the DAR enjoyed a patriotic program presented by members of National Sojourners Chapter Camp Lejeune #329, from Jacksonville. The program, called “Building the Flag,” tells the story of “Old Glory” and its symbolism. National Sojourners, Inc., is a national fraternal organization meeting the needs of military (commissioned, warrant and senior non-commissioned officers) and honorary members who are Masons in advancing programs that promote love of country. From left are Lt. Col. Ron Sortino, USMC-Ret.; MGy. Sgt. Denny Norris, USMC-Ret.; Lt. Col. Harry Sanders, USAF-Ret.; 1st Sgt. Herb Lynch, USA-Ret.; and Sgt. Maj. John Chandler, USA-Ret. The Sojourners wear the uniforms to honor the Masons who served in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.