Safety first

Published 8:49 pm Monday, November 18, 2013

WASHINGTON EVENING ROTARY | CONTRIBUTED  CRIME STOPPERS: Lt. Karen Ball with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office presented an eye-opening program to the Washington Evening Rotary. Ball works with Crime Stoppers and the Community Watch programs, and gave interesting tips and suggestions on how to protect our homes, automobiles and possessions. Pictured from left to right are Charlie Griffin, Rotary president, Lt. Karen Ball of the sheriff’s office and Shanon Carter, program chairman.

CRIME STOPPERS: Lt. Karen Ball with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office presented an eye-opening program to the Washington Evening Rotary. Ball works with Crime Stoppers and the Community Watch programs, and gave interesting tips and suggestions on how to protect our homes, automobiles and possessions. Pictured from left to right are Charlie Griffin, Rotary president, Lt. Karen Ball of the sheriff’s office and Shanon Carter, program chairman.