CLUB NEWS: Coast Guard Auxiliary
Published 11:02 pm Friday, November 29, 2013
On Nov. 4, 2013 at 7 p.m., U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 20-06, 5th Southern Region, Washington, met at Washington Fire Station No. 1.
The flotilla elected new officers for the coming year. Dave Fort, division vice commander, presided at the elections. Don Lindberg and Rhonda Stallings ran unopposed for flotilla commander and vice flotilla commander, respectively. Both were elected and sworn in.
The following awards and certifications were presented: Tony Weichel, Auxiliary Annual Service Performance Award in excess of 60 vessel safety checks in 2013 and Sustained Service Award (9th Award); Anthony LoPinto, Vessel Examiner Certification; Andy Anderson, Aids to Navigation Verifier Certification.
The Change of Watch event for members only will be held Dec. 2 at The Meeting Place when the newly elected flotilla officers will be sworn in. Our next general meeting is scheduled Monday, Jan. 6 at 7 p.m., at Washington Fire Station No. 2. Visitors are welcome.
If you are interested in joining America’s volunteer lifesavers, the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, call Don Lindberg at 252-923-4545. Visit our website or “like” us on Facebook at