Enjoy a Story!: Brown Library takes storytelling series online

Published 9:21 pm Friday, January 10, 2014


Young story lovers no longer have to wait for story time — now stories read by their favorite children’s librarian can be found online.

Terry Rollins, Brown Library’s children’s librarian, is the featured storyteller on “Enjoy a Story!” a series of stories videoed at the local library. Rollins brings his Tuesday morning story time skills to the Internet with tales like “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats and Brian Helquist’s “Roger, The Jolly Pirate,” so local children can enjoy a story anytime.

“We’re targeting anywhere from preschoolers to elementary school, sort of the early readers, those children who still really enjoy reading a story, but it can also be for the ones who are not reading yet,” Rollins said.

The videos are an updated version of community outreach by local libraries, Rollins said.

“A long time ago, you could call libraries on the phone and you could listen to a story,” Rollins said. “We’ve taken it one step forward and videoed a story being read. Now, I bet we have six or eight of them on YouTube.”

YouTube is a free video-hosting website on which members can store and show their own videos. Rollins’ storytelling videos can be accessed through the library’s channel: www.youtube.com/brownlibrarystories.

Rollins said that he and Library Assistant Elizabeth Tankard began filming the stories about a year ago.

“We’ve gotten really good feedback — parents thanking us for doing it because it’s another outreach for children and I think we’ve had children thank us for doing it too,” Rollins said.

For those who prefer their stories told in person, the library offers story time every Tuesday morning from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Rollins, of course, also encourages at-home storytelling and has a bead on a great source for inexpensive reading material.

“The Friends (of Brown Library) Book Sale is coming up the last weekend of January and I’m sure there are some good children’s books to be had,” he said.

Brown Library is located at 122 Van Norden St., Washington. Tuesday morning story time is open to all children, ages birth through five years old, accompanied by an adult.