WINNING COMBINATION: First Turnage show features award-winning artists

Published 8:17 pm Wednesday, January 15, 2014

JOEY TOLER | CONTRIBUTED FIRST IN SHOW: Artists Pat Holscher and Jeff Jakub take a break from hanging their show in the new Beaufort County Arts Council gallery at the Turnage Theater Tuesday. The show opens Friday night with an opening reception at 6 p.m. and will run until Feb. 13.

FIRST IN SHOW: Artists Pat Holscher and Jeff Jakub take a break from hanging their show in the new Beaufort County Arts Council gallery at the Turnage Theater Tuesday. The show opens Friday night with an opening reception at 6 p.m. and will run until Feb. 13.


Their work has won major awards and been displayed in exhibits nationally and internationally. Like oil and water, these watercolorists’ styles would not seem to mesh. But on Friday, gallery-goers can see for themselves the juxtaposition of the work of Pat Holscher and Jeff Jakub.

In the first exhibit to go up in the gallery at the Turnage Theater, Holscher and Jakub pair their work for a show spanning award winners, old favorites and new work.

“Jeff and I have such very different styles and it’s really interesting to look at the two different styles hanging together,” Holscher said. “We really are polar opposites — he’s very detailed and my work is real loose, so we interpret things very differently.”

Jakub’s watercolors are uniquely realistic, the detail in his paintings perhaps a nod to his graphic arts background. His work has won awards at the American Watercolor Society show and is invariably found in the winner’s circle at the arts council’s yearly Fine Arts Show. Last year represented a coup for Jakub in that his painting won both Best in Show and The People’s Choice award, amongst entries from across the southeast.

“I’ve entered that show for 24 years. My friend used to call me the Susan Lucci fo Beaufort County. I won every other award in that show but that one,” Jakub laughed.

Approximately 60 pieces by the two artists will be on display from Friday’s opening reception until Feb. 13. The show is a joint effort between BCAC and the Inner Banks Artisans’ Center, where both artists display their work. It also represents the Beaufort County Arts Council’s takeover of the Turnage Theater: the arts nonprofit bought the theater in September of 2013 and moved into the theater last month.

The two artists’ exhibit was scheduled for last fall, but when Joey Toler, BCAC executive director, realized the arts council had a shot a purchasing the early 20th century theater, he encouraged Holscher and Jakub to hold off until after the move.

“So we postponed everything. I think it worked out better. It gave Jeff and I time to get our act together,” Holscher laughed.

Holscher only regrets not having “Family Dynamics,” her 2009 American Watercolor Society gold medal winner, available for the show. It’s currently being shipped back from an exhibit in China.

Both Jakub and Holscher agree the change in venue brings new elements to the exhibit.

“The lighting is really good in (the Turnage). Having (the work) against the light background makes a huge difference,” Holscher said.

For Jakub, showing at the Turnage is like coming home: when the Turnage was operating, Jakub raised the funds for the hanging system in the gallery area and cultivated artists both near and far for exhibits at the theater.

“I ended up hanging all the shows,” Jakub laughed. “So it’s déjà vu all over again for me.”

Friday night’s reception runs from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and is open to the public.