OYSTER BANK: Shucking event funds preservation
Published 9:25 pm Thursday, February 20, 2014

AW, SHUCKS: Supporters of Bath High School Preservation, and oyster lovers, will gather Saturday at the Selby Farm Shop for the organization’s annual oyster roast.
Sixty bushels, and some forecasted spring-like weather, await the arrival of oyster lovers at Bath High School Preservation’s seventh-annual oyster roast fundraiser.
At 4 p.m. Saturday, BHSP volunteers expect a hoard of oyster-knife wielding supporters at the Selby Farm Shop, on N.C. Highway 92, east of Bath. The fundraiser is one of many ways the organization has been raising money to restore a town landmark — the old Bath High School.
“It’s really fun,” said Jeannie Woolard, who handles BHSP publicity. “We have people that come from Raleigh, Wake Forest — just last week I had a guy call me to make sure they could still get tickets. He said, ‘We look forward to this every year.’ … It’s just a lot of good camaraderie. For the Bath people, it’s like a reunion.”
The last class graduated from Bath High School in 1989 and the building was rescued from deterioration by community effort. A series of grants and fundraisers have paved the way for its renovation into a town community center. This month, the Bath Community Library, which occupies part of the first floor of the Bath High School, opened its doors after a move from its old home on the corner of South Main and Carteret streets.
The goal of the annual oyster roast is to raise more funds to continue work, and for this event, helping out is not limited to oyster lovers — there’s food for everyone, Woolard said. In addition to oysters, hotdogs, chili, seafood chowder, beans, hoop cheese, tea and water are all included in the price of a ticket, while a cash bar will offer sodas, wine and beer. Desserts will also be sold separately.
“We sell them by the slice, half cakes, whatever works,” Woolard laughed.
As the larger project has shown from the first, a community effort goes into producing the oyster roast — beans, chili, chowder, desserts, are all homemade by BHSP volunteers.
Besides camaraderie, oysters and other fare, the event offers a silent auction, and one lucky ticket holder will walk away with a bushel of oysters, courtesy of a drawing, Woolard said.
Tickets are $30 each ($35 at the door) and can be purchased from Washington Crab Company and Nameplates in Washington, and Enchanted Gardens, Bayview Golf Club, and the Quarterdeck, all of which are in or near Bath.
Selby Farm Shop is located at 9832 N.C. Highway 92 East, Bath. For more information, call 252-923-5061.