Eighteen cited as “BCCC’s Best”

Published 8:00 pm Monday, April 7, 2014

BEAUFORT COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE | CONTRIBUTED BCCC BEST: Eighteen Beaufort County Community College students were recognized as "BCCC's Best" and were cited for the character trait "trustworthy". Those attending the recognition ceremony were, front row, left to right, Alexandra Garrett, Stephanie Williams, Trina Cobb, Rebecca Gail Pinkham, Lucy Garcia and Tammie Lawrence; back row, left to right, Jack Morris, Christopher Moore, Ivey Robyn Ricks, Amber Smith and Marilyn Glaspie.

BCCC BEST: Eighteen Beaufort County Community College students were recognized as “BCCC’s Best” and were cited for the character trait “trustworthy”. Those attending the recognition ceremony were, front row, left to right, Alexandra Garrett, Stephanie Williams, Trina Cobb, Rebecca Gail Pinkham, Lucy Garcia and Tammie Lawrence; back row, left to right, Jack Morris, Christopher Moore, Ivey Robyn Ricks, Amber Smith and Marilyn Glaspie.


From Beaufort County Community College


Eighteen students at Beaufort County Community College were recognized as “BCCC’s Best” in a ceremony on the college campus recently. All students were cited for displaying the character trait “trustworthy.”

Those honored were Wendy Brown, Trina Cobb, Lucy Garcia, Marilyn Glaspie, Tammie Lawrence, Christopher Moore, Wayne O’Conney, Aaron Small, Amber Smith and Stephanie Williams of Washington; Alexandra Garrett, Ivey Robyn Ricks and Montana Selby of Bath; Jack Morris of Blounts Creek, Rebecca Gail Pinkham and Fatima Shamseldin of Pinetown, Amanda Phelps of Roper, and Erick Bateman of Swan Quarter.

During the ceremony attended by BCCC faculty and staff and guests of the honorees, Vice President of Student Services Rick Anderson and the nominating faculty or staff member presented each student with a certificate that contained the description of his or her activities.

Each month “BCCC’s Best” highlights a character trait found in students such as motivation, respect, hard work, commitment and involvement in the college.