ART AWARDS: Bath art competition tie for first
Published 8:45 pm Wednesday, April 16, 2014

REPRODUCTIONS: Bath Elementary School art teacher Ruth Miller is flanked by two award-winning students, Alexander Farrell (left) and Amelia Woolard. The two tied for first place for the best drawing of the Old Bath High School.
BATH — The judges couldn’t pick just one, so two Bath Elementary School artists came out winners at the old Bath High School art competition.
Cash prizes were awarded for the best student drawing of the Old Bath High School just down the block. Both winners — Alexander Farrell and Amelia Woolard — are seventh graders and take art class with Bath Elementary School art teacher Ruth Miller. Woolard and Farrell each received a $50 cash prize, donated to the event by an anonymous source in honor of Warren Bonner Smith, a 1966 Bath High School alumnus.
According to Marti Buchanan, the organizer of the art competition and a longtime supporter of Bath High School Preservation, after receiving their winnings, both Woolard and Farrell decided to donate their prizes to others: Woolard to the Bath Community Library, which recently became the old Bath High School’s first tenant; and Farrell, to a fund set up to assist Bath Elementary custodian Willie Moore. Moore was recently hospitalized, the victim of a stabbing. The money will go toward his hospital bill.
Representations of the old Bath High School by the Bath Elementary School art students were on display Monday and Tuesday of this week, culminating in the awards ceremony Tuesday. Wednesday, a new display went up, this one featuring the work of Northside High School art students—same subject, different artists.
Northside students’ work will be exhibited through today and the winner of Northside’s Old Bath High School art competition will be announced today at 5 p.m. at the Bath Community Library.
According to Beaufort-Hyde-Martin Regional Library Director Susan Benning, the competition was held in honor of National Library Week and represents the first of many exhibits the library plans for the future.
The winning works will remain on display at Bath Community Library, 102 S. Harding St., Bath, 252-923-6371.