CPS students featured in BCAC art show
Published 7:47 pm Friday, April 18, 2014

ART SHOW: Sheri Matthews, Chocowinity Primary School’s visual arts teacher, poses with some of the CPS students whose work is featured in this year’s Student Art Show hosted by the Beaufort County Arts Council. Pictured are (front from left) Tara Waters, Jorden Clark and Mya Bryant; and (back from left) Anthony Collins, Jonathan Garcia Lugo and Cristian Cruz. Not pictured are Valerie Diaz and Tiviana Walker.
From Beaufort County Schools
CHOCOWINITY — Eight Chocowinity Primary School students are among the dozens of entries in this year’s Student Art Show, hosted by the Beaufort County Arts Council.
The show opened with a reception March 30 and will remain on exhibit at the Turnage Theater in downtown Washington until May 1.
Chosen from CPS are works by kindergarten students Anthony Collins and Tara Waters, first grade students Valerie Diaz and Tiviana Walker, second grade students Jorden Clark and Mya Bryant, third grade student Cristian Cruz and fourth grade student Jonathan Garcia Lugo.
The artwork created by those students was among a group submitted from CPS for consideration in the show. Students from CPS whose artwork was chosen on the school level, in addition to the eight finalists, include Brandon Clark, Ashley Robles Olguin, Victor Gonzalez, Marah Gottwalt, Malanda Smith, Daniel Hernandez, Megan Jensen, Basharah Gaskins, Tyshana Purdue, Nancy Cruz, Walker Hill, Jose Ramos, Amber Dickenson, Jair Tysor, Emily Hannah, Madison Grimsley, Devon Myers, Tai’Asia Price, Sarah Ashley, Mckenzie Edwards, Grace Elks, Blaney McRoy, Megan Grimsley, Tiyiana Walker, Rachel Fox, Joana Ramos Flores, Michelle Cole, Olivia Foreman, Holden Boykin and Sarah Miller.
All of the artwork submitted by Chocowinity Primary School was created during art classes led by visual arts teacher Sheri Matthews.
The exhibit is available for viewing at the Turnage Theater Tuesdays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.