Published 7:40 pm Saturday, April 19, 2014
April 10, 2014
President Kevin Groome called the meeting to order. Mickey Benson offered prayer, and a delicious meal, provided by Hank Stoop, was enjoyed by members and guests.
Secretary Hank Stoop read the minutes of the March Meeting, which were approved as read. Clark Peele gave the treasurer’s report. He also stated that a wreath had been sent to the funeral of long-time member Darrel Windley.
In new business, a motion was passed to have a spaghetti/bingo supper on June 21, 2014. The Ruritan Auction is tentatively set for October. A specific date will be determined at a later meeting.
Guest Lisa van Essendelft, zone governor, reported that the district meeting will be held in May, and the National Convention next year will be in Greensboro. She congratulated the club for continuous efforts in helping the community.
Guest Frankie Waters, Beaufort County Commissioner candidate, attended the meeting.
With no further business, President Groome led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance, and the meeting was adjourned.