Washington Evening Rotary
Published 6:56 pm Saturday, August 16, 2014
Thursday evening the Rotary Club met at Washington Yacht and Country Club for the first of several membership meetings. In attendance were 10 prospective members who enjoyed fellowship, hors d’oeuvres and refreshments with Club members and then heard three brief presentations about Rotary. Rocky Jacobs spoke about the history of Rotary and its humanitarian arm, The Rotary Foundation plus Rotary’s mission of eliminating the disease of polio from the world. Then Bill Wall spoke about Rotary’s Simplified Grants and how the Club was able to secure grant funds for the food pantry at Eagle Wings for the past three years; and how the annual fishing tournament raised money to fund scholarships at Beaufort County Community College. Finally, President Brad Davis told the group about the format for the weekly meetings and mentioned the numerous social events for Rotarians and their spouses that the Club has throughout the year.
In addition to the prospective members, guests included George Davis (Brad Davis’ dad) and visiting Rotarian Stan White.
The meeting ended with the recitation of Rotary’s Four Way Test of the things we think, say and do.